Your trusted partner to bring your vision alive through strategic fundraising. 

The problems of today are too great for government, business, nonprofits or philanthropy alone to solve. Osa Philanthropy LLC is here to help those actors individually and/or collectively work toward improved social and economic circumstances for the communities they care about.

With nearly 20 years of experience helping foundations, nonprofits, government and corporations to make impact, we have unique insights into the core competencies of each stakeholder and the unique challenges that each faces.

We partner with organizations looking to deepen their social impact through fund development and thoughtful organizational strategy.


Access the right corporate, foundation and government partners to help scale your impact.


Develop philanthropic strategies that maximize impact and transform communities.

Foundations & Government

Develop alliances and relationships to leverage limited resources and create collective impact.

Supercharge Your Funding from Private Foundations with our free download.

Clients Include

“Leave it better than how you found it.”

Funding Readiness Review:

Is your organization grant ready? This audit of frequently needed attachments that grant funders need includes a review of each piece and any questions or advice on tightening it up for funding.

Osa Philanthropy will create a repository of files for easy access.

Roadmap Progression:

Funding Compass:

Through thought provoking discussions and review of your organization, Osa Philanthropy develops your organization’s Funding Compass; a narrative of recommendations on the strategic direction for funding.

Communications Package:

How strong is your funding pipeline? How good is your list? Funding Roadmap is a heavily researched list of funders identified specifically for your organization, complete with all information needed to jumpstart your funding.

Grants Package:

Do you have a culture of philanthropy in your organization? Do you have a list but don’t know how to work it? Are you going back to the same funders over and over and experiencing donor fatigue?

Roadmap Progression is strategic networking, roadblock busting and accountability practices that advance funder relationships.

How We Can Help

Is your messaging clear, compelling and concise so a funder enrolls in your mission? The Communications Package includes a review of or a complete repackaging of your messaging, complete with messaging matrix, pitch deck and funder outreach templates (email and letter form).

Funding Roadmap:

Writing compelling grants takes time and expertise which many organizations simply do not have. Grants Package includes writing of up to three grants or LOIs monthly for funders in the Funding Roadmap, or a la carte, as well as creation of a template LOI and template proposal.

Does this get your wheels turning?

I’d love to learn more about your organization and where you are in your journey with a 15 min listening session. Just email and we’ll set up a time to chat.

About Osa Philanthropy LLC

Osa Philanthropy LLC is an independent consulting company working with mission-driven organizations to maximize and optimize their resources. This boutique firm of consultants works with nonprofits and social causes on matters such as reviewing organizational readiness for funding, funding strategy, quality prospect research, building funder relationships, funder messaging, optimizing internal processes, and writing proposals while weaving in the latest data and trends in philanthropy. Osa Philanthropy LLC takes a relationship approach and mixes the art of relationship cultivation with the science of fundraising.

Lara Sepanski Pimentel, CEO and Founder

Lara has 18 years of experience working with social causes in almost every seat possible including: as a Peace Corps Volunteer (Dominican Republic), foundation staff and fellow, nonprofit leadership positions, (Senior Director of Development at ProLiteracy Worldwide and Executive Director of the Literacy Coalition of Herkimer and Oneida Counties), consultant and as a board member and volunteer. Lara has raised nearly $20 Million for causes such as literacy and education. 

Lara’s decades of experience in the nonprofit and grantmaking space, as well as her Master of Public Administration degree from Syracuse University, make her not only well educated and informed about the sector, but also a trusted resource and guide.

Let’s work together

It all starts with a conversation. We would love to help your organization reach its full impact potential. Connect using the form below and we’ll set up a time to discuss your needs and fit.