Guest Podcast: Maximizing Grantwriting for Funding Success

I was honored to be a guest on Dan Portnoy’s podcast, the Nonprofit Narrative Podcast to talk about all things grant-related. In the latest episode, Maximizing Grantwriting for Funding Success, we went into things like:

  •  how relationship-based fundraising has better funding results than cold fundraising

  • how to do relationship based fundraising

  • what funders are looking for in a grant

  • how to weave in storytelling components 

You can also get a taste for what Osa Philanthropy can do to help your nonprofit organization. Whether you have trouble with filling your grantor pipeline and you’re going back to the same funders, need new ways to connect to funders, or don’t have the time and bandwidth to write compelling grant submissions (and more!). It’s all in here and I’m so excited to share this episode with you! 

If you like it, remember to check the website to sign up for Osa Philanthropy’s newsletter and check out free tips on supercharging your funding from private foundations.


Abundance Makes Things Feel Lighter


Who am I and why the name “Osa Philanthropy”?